On September 20th, Save Our Heroes’ Project, formally requested the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to hold hearings on the military justice system. A letter Senate Judiciary Hearing Request signed by Save Our Heroes — Chairman of the Board, Doug James, was hand-carried to both Judiciary committees and key Congressional leadership who have been very supportive of the organization. Included with the letter to each committee was the subcommittee of the Judicial Proceedings Panel, REPORT ON BARRIERS TO THE FAIR ADMINISTRATION OF MILITARY JUSTICE IN SEXUAL ASSAULT CASES (May 2017). The letter submitted by Mr. James and the Save Our Heroes’ Project, highlighted the importance of Congressional hearings to raise awareness of the injustice caused by an ‘off the rails’ military justice system. James went on to write how the Judicial Proceedings Panel findings backed every one of the organization’s concerns with the military justice system.
Save Our Heroes is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2015, and is devoted to passionately advocating, supporting, and helping military service members and their families who may face wrongful military judicial action, and those who have been wrongfully convicted and incarcerated.
For nearly two years, Save Our Heroes’ Project, has received and evaluated approximately 220 individual military criminal cases in which evidence strongly reveals service members have been wrongfully convicted and incarcerated. Unfortunately, Constitutional and due process violations are occurring on a regular basis robbing service members of their right to proceedings that are free from political and special interest influence.