
Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States of America by Marilyn Curtis

Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States of America By Marilyn Curtis, Giving Veterans A Second Chance I wonder how many of you are aware of some of the injustices and false accusations going on with active duty soldiers across all branches of the military. I’m working on starting a Non-Profit to help these veterans that will come out of the Military as Felons. They need jobs and [...]

By |October 11th, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Investigations, Military Justice, Military News, Military Sexual Assault Prevention|Comments Off on Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States of America by Marilyn Curtis

U.S. Army Major Christian “Kit” Martin: The Wrongful Conviction of an American Hero

Major Christian Martin Major “Kit” Martin was raised in a military family on the front lines of the Cold War; his father, a Vietnam Vet, served more than three-decades in the USAF and his sister was a career USAF nurse. Kit was an Eagle Scout and served in the Army for 30 years, since he was 17. He was a Calvary Scout, Ranger, Signal Officer, and later a Master Aviator [...]

By |October 9th, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Investigations, Military Justice, Military News, Save Our Heroes|Comments Off on U.S. Army Major Christian “Kit” Martin: The Wrongful Conviction of an American Hero

No Evidence to Support a Court Martial: The Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers

No Evidence to Support a Court Martial: The Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers SGT Mario Jeffers 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, KY Mario Jeffers, a divorced father of two, had consensual sex with a female Soldier at his house one night, other people were there and there was no commotion. The local police determined that no crime had occurred and the female admitted in a videotaped interview that [...]

By |October 8th, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Justice, Military News|Comments Off on No Evidence to Support a Court Martial: The Wrongful Conviction of Army Sergeant Mario Jeffers

Army Major Eric Smith forced to Fight for his Job – De Facto Prosecution Continues After Official Exoneration

Major Eric Smith Army Major Eric Smith forced to Fight for his Job – De Facto Prosecution Continues After Official Exoneration MAJ Eric Smith has been exonerated and vindicated. However, to date, Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) and the Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) have demonstrated contempt for the Army Court, the Board of Inquiry, due process, the Army Values, as well as their own binding clinical quality management regulations. [...]

By |September 2nd, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Justice, Military News|Comments Off on Army Major Eric Smith forced to Fight for his Job – De Facto Prosecution Continues After Official Exoneration

Don’t Forget, The Victims

“This growing gap — between the anguish suffered by the victims of traditionally-defined sex crimes and what is suffered by victims of ideologically-defined crimes — suggests that the crisis we face is not the result of a sexual misconduct epidemic but of the crisis mentality itself, an ever more hysterical vision of a "rape culture." It has a foundation in reality. In what has become a ritual disclaimer, those who have [...]

By |August 23rd, 2016|Education, Military News|Comments Off on Don’t Forget, The Victims

How the Air Force Failed MSgt Michael Silva

Lt Col (Ret) Craig M. Perry, "Never Leave an Airman Behind: How the Air Force Faltered and Failed in the Wake of the Lackland Sex Scandal" “Thus begins Lt. Col. Perry’s analysis of the tragic case of Master Sergeant Mike Silva, the last MTI to face prosecution in the wake of the Lackland sex scandal, during which a handful of instructors were accused of rape and sexual assault, and dozens [...]

By |August 21st, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Investigations, Military Justice, Military News, Military Sexual Assault Prevention|Comments Off on How the Air Force Failed MSgt Michael Silva

The Real Expendables: Military Service Members Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted

The Real Expendables: pictured left to right, MSG Alan S. Guardado, MSgt Michael Silva, MAJ Christian Martin, PO Darin Lopez, SPC Eric Lee Nordin The Real Expendables: Military Service Members Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted By Major Christian “Kit” Martin 24 July 2016. Joint Regional Correctional Facility (JRCF) Fort Leavenworth, Kansas After two and a half months in confinement, county and federal, I have to ask the question “what [...]

By |August 17th, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military Investigations, Military Justice, Military News, Save Our Heroes|Comments Off on The Real Expendables: Military Service Members Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted

False Reports of Sexual Assault meets “Always believe the Victim” by Will M. Helixon, Attorney at Law

False Reports of Sexual Assault meets “Always believe the Victim” The pendulum has swung too far – it is time for us all to stand up and say enough is enough. “…the ethical obligation of the prosecutor is truth and justice. The prosecutor is held to a higher standard than other attorneys in our legal system and unlike their defense brothers and sister, their duty is NOT to win cases at [...]

By |August 15th, 2016|Education, False Allegations, Military News, Military Sexual Assault Prevention|Comments Off on False Reports of Sexual Assault meets “Always believe the Victim” by Will M. Helixon, Attorney at Law

Soldier uses GoPro to prove wife’s domestic abuse

“It was a low blow, captured on a man's GoPro that has led Pinellas County Deputies to put his estranged wife in jail. "This is just one of many instances where I've had to use the camera to either prove her guilt or prove my innocence and that's the only reason I am carrying it," said Michael who recorded the attack. 10 News is protecting his identity since he is a [...]

By |August 6th, 2016|Education, Military News|Comments Off on Soldier uses GoPro to prove wife’s domestic abuse

The Visible War

“Soldiers accused of sexual assault and other sexually-based offenses now face a system which is stacked unfairly against them. Recent reforms to military law and practice have focused entirely on making it easier to convict Soldiers and providing comfort to the alleged victims of sexual assault, rather than ensuring impartial justice prevails. Until new legislation corrects the imbalances recent changes to the UCMJ have created, Soldiers accused of sexual assault and [...]

By |August 5th, 2016|Education, Military Justice|Comments Off on The Visible War