
Wrongfully Convicted AF Major Clarence Anderson III Shares Human Rights Complaint Letter

Wrongfully Convicted AF Major Clarence Anderson III, shares Human Rights Complaint Letter Clarence Anderson Human Rights Complaint<-- (Click link to read complaint)               Read more about the wrongful conviction of Clarence Anderson III in the links below. Strange twist in the case of Clarence Anderson III, Carroll High graduate and Air Force Major Senator Demands Answers in Shady Conviction of Maj. Clarence Anderson [...]

Save Our Heroes Sends Letter of Concern to Joint Regional Correctional Facility Leavenworth, Re Violation of the United Nations Human Rights Commission

In addition to advocating for the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted Save Our Heroes Project lends support to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th waves of false allegations and wrongful convictions to the families left behind in the military’s insatiable desire to convict any and all allegations of sexual assault, regardless of merit, facts or evidence. These other waves have drastic and dramatic effects, especially on the families and especially the children [...]

By |April 23rd, 2018|Custody, Education, False Allegations, General, Military Custody, Military Investigations, Military Justice, Military News, Military Sexual Assault Prevention, Parental Alienation, Save Our Heroes|Comments Off on Save Our Heroes Sends Letter of Concern to Joint Regional Correctional Facility Leavenworth, Re Violation of the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Parental Alienation in the U.S. Military

Parental Alienation in the U.S. Military by Michael Conzachi, Board of Directors, Save Our Heroes’ Project Parental Alienation. What is it? There have been strong misconceptions and opinions as to what parental alienation is, but parents who have been affected can unequivocally tell you that it is real. This post will attempt to provide the reader with some knowledge and location of resources, in the unfortunate attempt that a parent [...]